Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The first test for new terrain design


I test the new algorithm for the tiled terrain and it works well with texture ID.

For solving the texture filtering problem with tile texturing I copy 16 pixel from each side to opposite side of the texture and don't use small mipmap level so the hardware texture filtering works well.

Here is a screen shot I know it is not seem to be good but when I add blending you can see a good screen shot. For now I want to add PhysX engine for terrain pickings and future physics dynamics.

Friday, September 4, 2009

A new tiled terrain design

After many days of thinking hard on tile terrain finally find a good way to build the terrain.

Before start talking about algorithm I have to say I’m not implemented this algorithm yet and things may be change later.


For storing the tile texcoords I use one textureID with A32R32G32B32F format for storing the tile texcoords offsets then in the pixel shader I use it to map the tiles to the terrain.

I get the idea from Journal of Ysaneya.

No mipmap and texture filtering is needed for this texture.


I need one texcoord for my vertices and they start from 0 to number of columns/rows increase one per vertex.

How to map the tiles:

In the pixel shader I read the tiles offset and creates their texcoord.

X = 1 / number of columns in the tile texture
U = Uoffset + u * X;

For reading the Uoffset from TextureID I can use something like above formula.

X = 1 / TextureID size;
U = u * X;